I was talking to a friend the other day very confused on what decision to make. Which in my opinion is the most difficult part about life, knowing what we truly want. We often find ourselves a safe corner to sit and be comfortable or we over indulge in too many things hoping one sticks. There are so many factors that go into this. There's our inner self that wants what the heart truly wants but our conscious being that's logical and makes calculated decision based off experience mixed with all of what the past and trauma has taught us. So given all that, how do we know what we truly want?
I used to be queen of having back up options, because they're safe. It keeps me safe from the depths of the scariest place on this earth, the unknown. Having multiple back up options was a safe route and yes it does aid in security and can be a good idea at times but let us focus on our career and other important life decisions. When deciding what it is we want to do with our life on a day to day well that's difficult. Working is the single most thing that takes up the most of our physical time and mental space so we better choose wisely if we want any shot at being happy... which is ultimately the goal for most.
However, although having a plan b gives you some sense of security and may calm your nerves at the moment it also gives you a very good reason not to go all in on your dream or passion. Whether it be starting business, changing careers, moving up in your career etc.. When we do things with one foot in and one foot out always having an escape route I'm really not sure how we would reach any of our goals, it just doesn't add up. That's called doing things half assed, don't do that. You can't do that, that is if you actually want to achieve your goals.
Now that we KNOW we have to go all in doesn't mean we can execute. Now we have to do the inner work, that's the fun part. We must learn to trust ourselves. In order to trust ourselves we have to do what we say we are going to do. We have to move forward with the things we truly want. If we say we want one thing and act differently, then we are acting out of accordance with our inner self. Now inner me doesn't trust outer me because inner me is saying one thing and outer me is doing another and now they're in conflict which ultimately causes depression and anxiety. Now we have to get in alignment. We have to align the inner voice with our outer actions. If you say you don't want to eat the cookie then god damnit don't eat the cookie! This will get us one step closer to trusting ourselves and one step closer to understanding ourselves.
Now keep doing that and then start writing things down. Call it what you want, journaling, list making.. what ever you do just write. The first things that comes to your mind when you ask yourself who am I, or what do I want? These little things will gain us more and more access to that inner voice and we will have to start building a relationship with our inner self. Now that inner and outer self have been working things out we can finally start to move closer towards our goals and passions. Having built that trust we can now feel that I got me and even if I fail, I get back up and do it again and again because every time I am learning something new that is setting me up for the very moment I am ready to explode. Trust yourself and learn in the process and watch it all unfold. Whatever you do, don't have a plan b because we are here on this earth to live out our truth and do what it is that we want, go get em!
Contact for a coaching session with me: LauPlanteCoaching@gmail.com
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